D. Mondou

Assistant professor in Computer Sciences


Laboratoire L3i | Département informatique

La Rochelle Unversité

Avenue Michel Crépeau

17042 La Rochelle cedex 1 - France

As a PhD in computer science since 2019, the main aim of my thesis work was to propose an architecture to address the issues of designing, supervising, piloting and adapting interactive experiences. This work was carried out in a specific context: the integration of Nao robots in museums, on which serious games were deployed to help young visitors discover certain works of art.

Currently, as an assistant professor at La Rochelle University, France, my research focuses on process mining and the scripting of human-robot interactive experiences.

My teaching activities are mainly devoted to software engineering and project management.

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selected publications


  1. Temporal automata for robotic scenario modeling with CIT framework
    Damien Mondou
    Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2024
  2. Description Lattices of Generalised Convex Hulls
    Christophe DemkoKarell BertetCyril Faucher, and 2 more authors
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2024


  1. GALACTIC: towards a generic and scalable platform for complex and heterogeneous data using Formal Concept Analysis
    In Workshop ETAFCA’2022-Existing Tools and Applications for Formal Concept Analysis in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, 2022


  1. Gestion adaptative des contenus numériques: proposition d’un framework générique par apprentissage et re-scénarisation dynamique
    Damien Mondou
    La Rochelle Université, 2019


  1. A dynamic scenario by remote supervision: a serious game in the museum with a Nao robot
    Damien MondouArmelle Prigent, and Arnaud Revel
    In Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology: 14th International Conference, ACE 2017, London, UK, December 14-16, 2017, Proceedings 14, 2018